Now showing items 1-10 of 27
Are mass media practitioners not true professionals? A study on mass communications students' perception towards licensure examination
This is an exploratory research study designed to determine the perception of 4th year Mass Communication students of Central Philippine University and West Visayas State University in Iloilo City during the Second Semester ...
Films that framed a regime: A comparative analysis of films A Dangerous Life (1988) and Aparisyon (2012)
This study is a comparative analysis on films A Dangerous Life (1988) and Aparisyon (2012) on how life was depicted during the Marcos Regime in each film. Specifically, the study answered the following objectives: (1) To ...
Effectiveness of TV advertisement jingles towards product recall as perceived by the college students of Central Philippine University
This study aimed at the analysis of the effectiveness of TV advertisement jingles towards product recall as perceived by AB English and AB Mass Communication students of Central Philippine University. The study was anchored ...
Amidst the killing season: How Philippine broadsheets frame the war on drugs of the Duterte administration
The study was conducted to determine how the two major Philippine broadsheets framed the War on Drugs (WOD) of the Duterte Administration in their respective editorial sections from July to September 2016. Specifically it ...
A content analysis on Central Philippine University’s recruitment tools
This study aimed to define and identify the recruitment tools of Central Philippine University on the grounds of the importance of marketing research such as the employment of recruitment tools. The university is currently ...
To dub or not to dub? - llonggo senior high school students’ viewing preferences of Korean dramas
This study aimed to determine whether students from two Senior High Schools in Iloilo City preferred to view Korean dramas with English-subtitles or those dubbed in Tagalog. Specifically, the following objectives were ...
Bullycide: A content analysis of cyber bullying on Facebook
This is a descriptive research study designed to determine whether or not the Facebook site, Centralian Feeler, is a cyber bully or just a typical member of the student body exercising his/her right of Free Speech. ...
A comparative study on the perceived purpose of the internet usage of out-of-school youth and CPU students
This was an explanatory research study designed to determine the perceived purpose of the internet usage of CPU students and out-of-school youth residing here in Iloilo City. Specifically, the study answered the following ...
The unique features of president Rodrigo Duterte’s public statements: An impact assessment
This study was conducted to assess the impact of the unique features of President Rodrigo Duterte’s public statements on issues that made controversy during the 2016 Philippine Presidential Elections: Papal visit in the ...
The moralities within: A content analysis of the independent film "Tirador"
This is a descriptive research study designed to determine the values presented in the film “Tirador” also known as Slingshot by Brillante Mendoza. Specifically, the study answered the following objectives (1) to determine ...