Ipinapakita ngayon ang mga item 1 - 10 ng 180
"The idea behind the mask": A content analysis of the film V for Vendetta
V for Vendetta is a dystopian thriller directed by James McTeigue, starring Hugo Weaving (The Matrix, The Lord of the Rings) and Natalie Portman (Star Wars, Leon: The Professional). It is based on a graphic novel series ...
Portrayals of Marcos: A comparative analysis of Batas Militar and Alaala (A Martial Law Special)
A content analysis of two documentaries, Batas Militar and Alaala: A Martial Law Special, was done to explore how media portrayed Ferdinand Marcos. This study identified if there are the similarities and differences of ...
Once upon a time: A survey on the film elements in Walt Disney movies that have influenced the viewing decisions of selected students of the College of Arts and Sciences for school year 2015-2016
This Descriptive Research was conducted to find out what film elements in Walt Disney movies have influenced the viewing decision of selected College o f Arts and Sciences students of Central Philippine University for ...
A day in the life of Loida Malabanan: A content analysis of the 2013 independent film "Ekstra" (The Bit Player)
“Ekstra” or The Bit Player is a 2013 Independent Film directed by Jeffrey Jeturian which showcases the life of Loida Malabanan as she enters the world of a bit player or popularly known as “Ekstra” in the Philippine movie ...
Asian sidekicks in Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) and Detective Comics Extended Universe (DCEU) films
The main purpose of this study was to determine how Asian roles and characters are portrayed in two of the Hollywood’s character-based entertainment universes; Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) and Detective Comics Extended ...
Strong family ties and tradition: Coke Philippines TV ads through the years
This is an analytical research study designed to recognize the timeline of Coca-Cola Philippines television advertisements. Specifically, the study answered the following objectives: (1) select old and new Coca-Cola ...
TV networks producing the most reliable news as perceived by adults from Brgy. La Furtuna, Barotac Viejo, Iloilo
This study aimed at the determining the most reliable news as perceived by adults from Brgy. La Furtuna, Barotac Viejo. The study was anchored on Uses and Gratification wherein the approach is central focus on active ...
Online news or printed newspaper? A comparative study on the reading preferences of two selected age groups
The advancement of the technology has cultivated the growth in the news media in these recent years, hence it has somehow served as a tool to motivate the news media to change in order to adapt to this transformation in ...
Character analysis of ABS-CBN telenovela “Rubi”
This study analysed the character of Rubi and how she manifested her portrayal as a protagonist and antagonist. The study determined the values shown in this telenovela like family, culture and social values. It shows the ...
Inflicting or not? The level of effectiveness of product placements in affecting the credibility of news programs as perceived by radio listeners of Maasin, Iloilo
This study aimed to determine the level of effectiveness as to how product placements affects the credibility of news programs through the perception of AM Radio listeners of the municipality of Maasin in the province of ...