A study of the predictive validity of English placement examinations of Central Philippine University
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This descriptive study sought to compare the predictive validity of the two English placement examinations (the old English placement examination and the 1999 revised English placement examination) of Central Philippine University in relation to the students’ achievements in English 1, English 2, and Math 5 or 7.
The subject of the study consisted of 327 college freshmen of Central Philippine University enrolled in English 1 and Math 5 or 7 during the first semester and in English 2 during the second semester of school year 1999-2000 whom complete data needed in the study were available.
Hypotheses of the Study
1. The old English placement examination has the same ability as that of the 1999 revised English placement examination in predicting performances of the students in English 1, English 2, and Math 5/7.
2. The ability of the English placement examination with the higher predictive validity is the same in predicting the performances of the students in English 1, English 2, and Math 5/7 when the students were grouped according to:
a. sex (male and female)
b. high school general average (better and poorer)
c. English grade in fourth year high school (higher and lower)
d. age (older and younger)
The major results of the study were:
1. There was high significant correlation between the following:
a. OEP scores and the students’ grades in English 1
b. OEP scores and the students’ grades in English 2
c. OEP scores and the students’ grades in Math 5/7
2. There was significant but low correlation between the following:
a. REP scores and the students’ grades in English 1
b. REP scores and the students’ grades in English 2
c. REP scores and the students’ grades in Math 5/7
3. The coefficients of correlation between the following pairs did not significantly differ:
a. OEP scores - English 1 and REP scores - English 1
b. OEP scores - English 2 and REP scores - English 2
c. OEP scores - Math 5/7 and REP scores - Math 5/7
4. Since the old English placement examination was slightly higher in predictive validity, the students’ scores in it were used to compare its ability to predict the performances of groups formed on the basis of the following:
a. Sex (male and female)
(1) There was no significant difference between the coefficients of correlation between the OEP scores obtained by the males and the females and their grades in English 1.
(2) There was significant difference between the coefficients of correlation between the OEP scores obtained by the males and the females and their grades in English 2.
(3) There was significant difference between the coefficients of correlation between the OEP scores obtained by the males and the females and their grades in Math 5/7.
b. High School General Average (better and poorer)
(1) There was no significant difference between the coefficients of correlation between the OEP scores obtained by the better and the poorer groups and their grades in English 1.
(2) There was significant difference between the coefficients of correlation between the OEP scores obtained by the better and the poorer groups and their grades in English 2.
(3) There was significant difference between the coefficients of correlation between the OEP scores obtained by the better and the poorer groups and their grades in Math 5/7.
c. Fourth Year High School English Grade (higher and lower)
The differences between the higher and the lower groups as to their coefficients of correlation between the OEP scores and each criterion grades (English 1, English 2, and Math 5/7) were all significant.
d. Age (older and younger)
(1) The difference between the older and the younger groups as to their coefficients of correlation between the OEP scores and grades in English 1 was not significant.
(2) The differences between the older and the younger groups as to their coefficients of correlation between the OEP scores and grades in English 2 and Math 5/7 were significant.
On the basis of the findings of this study, the following conclusions were drawn:
1. Both the old English placement examination (OEP) and the 1999 revised English placement examination (REP) had high validity in predicting the performances of the students in English 1, English 2, and Math 5/7. However, the validity of the 1999 revised English placement examination was slightly lower than that of the old English placement examination. Both placement examinations could be used by Central Philippine University in predicting achievements of entering college students.
2. The predictive validity of the old English placement examination was higher than that of the students’ high school general average and fourth year high school English grade.
3. The ability of the old English placement examination in predicting the English 1 performances of the male and female groups was equal.
4. The ability of the old English placement examination in predicting the English 2 and Math 5/7 performances of the students was higher among the males than among the females.
5. The ability of the old English placement examination in predicting the English 1 performances of the better and poorer groups was equal.
6. The ability of the old English placement examination in predicting the English 2 and Math 5/7 performances of the students was greater in the better group than in the poorer group.
7. The ability of the old English placement examination in predicting the performances of the students in English 1, English 2, and Math 5/7 was greater among the higher graders than among the lower graders.
8. The ability of the old English placement examination in predicting the English 1 performances of the older and the younger groups was equal.
9. The ability of the old English placement examination in predicting the English 2 and Math 5/7 performances of the students was higher among the younger group than among the older group.
Based on the foregoing findings, the researcher sets forth the following recommendations:
1. The use of the old English placement examination be continued by the English Department of Central Philippine University as its basis for selecting students who will take English 1 (Study and Thinking Skills in English) and who will xiv be required to take English A (Developmental English) in college, until a more valid entrance test can be prepared.
2. Since both the old English placement examination and the 1999 revised English placement examination have high validity in predicting the students’ academic performances, either of the two placement examinations may be used to screen entering college freshmen at Central Philippine University. These placement examinations should further be improved to make them more predictive.
3. Both the English placement examinations be subjected to further validation so that they truly measure the language proficiency of entering college students.
Abstract only
Suggested Citation
Salazar, S. T. (2001). A study of the predictive validity of English placement examinations of Central Philippine University (Unpublished Master's thesis). Central Philippine University, Jaro, Iloilo City.
School of Graduate StudiesDegree
Master of Arts in EnglishShelf Location
GSL Theses 378.242 Sa31
Physical Description
xiv, 52 leaves