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dc.contributor.adviserFernandez, Stella G.
dc.contributor.authorArmada, Leane C.
dc.contributor.authorFigueroa, Mel Rose A.
dc.contributor.authorOrmides, Sophia B.
dc.contributor.authorPlagata, Jeremy Jan L.
dc.contributor.authorRomero, Annel Nicole L.
dc.contributor.authorSobretodo, John Danielle Y.
dc.identifier.citationArmada, L. C., Figueroa, M. R. A., Ormides, S. B., Plagata, J. J. L., Romero, A. N. L., & Sobretodo, J. D. Y. (2023). Design of household wastewater phytoremediation system utilizing water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) and water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) [Unpublished special paper]. Central Philippine University.en_US
dc.descriptionAbstract onlyen_US
dc.description.abstractThis experimental study aimed to develop a household wastewater phytoremediation system using Pistia stratiotes and Eichhomia crassipes as natural purifiers. The surfactant removal efficiency from household wastewater was determined in the study. A pilot design was conducted on a household approach to provide baseline data for the actual design. Wastewater was collected in three replicates through random sampling on days 1, 3, and 6 from the constructed wastewater phytoremediation system. Results showed that mean surfactant concentration of 0.001 mg/L for both P. stratiotes and E. crassipes, pH (7.1 and 6.5), BOD (9 mg/L and 10 mg/L), oil and grease (2 mg/L and 3 mg/L) levels decreased while DO (9 mg/L and 9 mg/L) levels increased after six days of treatment. A dependent t-test for the pre- and post-test for both plants revealed a significant difference in the pH, BOD, oil and grease, and surfactant levels at 0.05 significance level. After three days, surfactant removal efficiency was 84.825% and 95.420% for P. stratiotes and E. crassipes, respectively. After six days, removal efficiency for both setups was 99.939%. Using ANOVA and Bonferroni Post-Hoc Analysis, there was a significant difference in the amount of surfactants when compared to DAO-2016-08, with p-values of P. stratiotes = 9.387x1 O-6 and E. crassipes = 1.112x10-5 .The designed household wastewater treatment system was proven to be effective as the parameters tested were set within DAO-2016-08 at Day 6 of the treatment in both setups.en_US
dc.format.extentiv,164 leavesen_US
dc.publisherCentral Philippine Universityen_US
dc.subject.lccTP 155 .A76 2023en_US
dc.subject.lcshRefuse and refuse disposalen_US
dc.subject.lcshWater lettuceen_US
dc.subject.lcshWater hyacinthen_US
dc.titleDesign of household wastewater phytoremediation system utilizing water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) and water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)en_US
dc.typeSpecial paperen_US
dcterms.accessRightsLimited public accessen_US
dc.contributor.committeememberCangrejo, Bernie C.
dc.contributor.committeememberGuanzon, Nicolas G., Jr.
dc.contributor.committeememberPingul-Ong, Sheila Mae B.
dc.contributor.committeememberPescos, Dahlia H.
dc.contributor.departmentCollege of Engineeringen_US
dc.description.degreeBachelor of Science in Chemical Engineeringen_US
local.subject.scientificnamePistia stratiotesen_US
local.subject.scientificnameEichhornia crassipesen_US

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