Board performance as related to academic achievement among nursing graduates at Central Philippine University

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This descriptive correlational study was conducted to determine the influence of academic achievement to board performance among nursing graduates at Central Philippine University during the school year 2004-2005. It also ascertained the significant relationship between academic achievement and board performance of nursing graduates. The respondents were the nursing graduates of CPU. They were classified as to gender and course. The data on the academic achievement of students were gathered from the office of the registrar and the results of board performance were taken at the professional regulations commission. The descriptive statistical tools used were the mean and standard deviation. Pearson's r was used as inferential statistics. Level of significance was set at .05 alpha. The findings of the study revealed that the academic achievement of the graduates as an entire group and when classified as to various categories such as sex and course was average. Likewise the board performance of the graduates as an entire group and when classified as to male and course was fair, and when classified as to female was good. Finally a positive and highly significant relationship existed in the academic achievement and board performance of graduates.
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Suggested Citation
Dueñas, V. L. H. (2005). Board performance as related to academic achievement among nursing graduates at Central Philippine University (Unpublished Master’s thesis). West Visayas State University Lambunao Campus, Lambunao, Iloilo.
Graduate StudiesDegree
Master of Arts in Education (Administration and Supervision)Shelf Location
GSL Theses 378.242 D868
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65 leaves
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