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dc.contributor.adviserLumauag, Ramil G.
dc.contributor.authorCambronero, Pedro Peter Rhys B. Jr.
dc.identifier.citationCambronero, P. R. B. (2014). E-learning system for graduate program of Central Philippine University (Unpublished master thesis). Central Philippine University, Jaro, Iloilo City.en_US
dc.descriptionAbstract onlyen_US
dc.description.abstractThe Graduate Program of Central Philippine University currently applies the traditional method in teaching students such as discussing lessons inside the classroom most of the time, requiring students to submit term papers, manually assessing students’ performance, and manually posting announcements in the bulletin board. Moreover, the availability of online course materials for lessons and classroom activities is limited. Hence, this study aimed to develop an E-learning system for the Graduate Program to address these teaching-learning issues. E-learning System is a tool that will enhance the learning process for the Graduate Program. Basically, the system includes, course management, classroom management, learning management, online assessment management, monitoring message board for communication, course feedback for instructors, and virtual classroom for discussion. The system is a significant tool in helping instructors, students and department heads as they can manage and monitor classes online with facility, effectiveness and efficiency. RAD (Rapid Application Development) was applied in developing this system. This method is best suited and more focused on web application development. Thus, the system would be implemented in the Graduate Program of Central Philippine University.en_US
dc.format.extentv, 68 leavesen_US
dc.subject.ddcGSL Theses 004.72 C144
dc.subject.lcshCentral Philippine Universityen_US
dc.titleE-learning system for graduate program of Central Philippine Universityen_US
dc.description.bibliographicalreferencesIncludes bibliographic referencesen_US
dc.contributor.chairCalibjo, Cirilio C.
dc.contributor.committeememberSapul, Ma. Shiela C.
dc.contributor.committeememberBalontong, Andrem J.
dc.contributor.departmentSchool of Graduate Studiesen_US
dc.description.degreeMaster of Science in Computer Scienceen_US
local.subjectComputer-assisted instructionen_US
local.subjectInstructional systemsen_US
local.subjectUniversities and colleges--Graduate worken_US

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