A retracer study of Central Philippine University law Graduates: Its implication to curriculum development
This study was conducted to trace the graduates of Central Philippine University College of Law after they leave their law school grounds- what they had become after graduation and/or bar examination. It aimed to ascertain the employability of the law graduates after taking the bar examination and it also intend to be a successful mean of gathering data and contact information of the graduates.
Employing the survey method of research, this study was conducted to 10 randomly- selected Central Philippine University College of Law graduates of school years 2012-2013 and 2013-2014. A survey questionnaire which was designed using as frame of reference the survey instrument used in a similar study undertaken by the faculty of Social Science Department of West Visayas State University for their tracer study entitled “Graduate Tracer Study (WVSU A. B. Political Science Graduate)”, on the basis of which some amendments were brought to the questionnaire to make it more simple.
Sixty percent of the respondents are employed after taking the bar examination. This indicates that majority of the law graduates of those years easily got a job. All of those who said that they are presently employed also said that their law study is relevant to their present job. The premise above can therefore lead us to the assumption that further study for a law degree is an advantage for the graduates in landing a job.
However, the percentage of the unemployed respondents is also are alarming. Forty percent of them are not only unemployed but some are even never employed. Such is a frustrating idea which defeats the Human Capital Theory which views education as a form of investment. If this is the case, many of those who pursued the law degree will never even get their return of capital after investing time, money and energy.
Abstract only
추천 인용
Simpas, H. J. D. (2015). A retracer study of Central Philippine University law Graduates: Its implication to curriculum development
(Unpublished postgraduate thesis). Central Philippine University, Jaro, Iloilo City.
College of Law정도
Juris Doctor선반 위치
GSL Theses 340.72 Si57
물리적 설명
ii. 48 leaves
- Juris Doctor [144]