A critical review of R. A. 10627-Anti-Bullying Act of 2013: Effectiveness and proposed amendments
This study was conducted to review salient provisions of-of R. A. 10627-Anti-bullying act of 2013, its effectiveness and propose an amendment to the provisions of the law. The researcher used qualitative content analysis supplemented by a case study. Salient provisions of R. A. 10627 - the Anti-bullying act of 2013 were reviewed and analyzed while applying the principles of Statutory Construction. The content of school anti-bullying policy was analyzed whether it complies with the Anti-bullying act of 2013. An interview was conducted comprising all the 37 teachers of Caluya National High School to determine their perspective on bullying, their role in prevention and intervention program, and factors that contribute to School difficulty in addressing bullying incidence. The study shows that R.A. 10627-Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 has no vague and ambiguous provisions contained. The law clearly and unequivocally laid down necessary matters. However, there may have been an incident of bullying incidence, thus, an amendment must be made. The respondents perceived that poor parental monitoring and presence of violence in the home, personal characteristics of the victims and unsafe school environment are the factors that contribute to School's difficulty in addressing bullying incidence. The respondents play an indispensable role in bullying prevention and intervention program. Therefore, they should be well trained and equipped with necessary tools.
Abstract only
추천 인용
Razonales, L. B. (2018). A critical review of R. A. 10627-Anti-Bullying Act of 2013: Effectiveness and proposed amendments (Unpublished postgraduate thesis). Central Philippine University, Jaro, Iloilo City.
College of Law정도
Juris Doctor선반 위치
Law Library 340.72 R219 2018
물리적 설명
vi, 75 leaves
- Juris Doctor [144]
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