The compliance of lawyers in the use of Judicial Affidavit and Efficient Use of Paper Rules as a tool in speedy disposition of cases
It has been said that justice delayed is justice denied and oftentimes, this dictum has proven to be true in the Philippine justice system. This study was conducted to determine the compliance of the lawyers in the Efficient Use of Paper Rule and Judicial Affidavit Rule as a tool in speedy disposition of cases. It sought to determine the significant difference in the percentage of the lawyers in complying with Judicial Affidavit Rule and to determine the significant difference in the percentage of the lawyers in complying with Efficient Use of Paper Rule.
The descriptive research design, specifically, a one-shot survey design and a specific type of non-probability sampling which is the convenience sampling or the availability sampling was used in this study since the schedule, accessibility and the convenience of the lawyers due to their hectic schedules was considered by the researcher and a questionnaire designed by the researcher was used to gather the data to its respective respondents.
With the data collected, the researcher, therefore concludes that majority of the respondents observed the Judicial Affidavit Rule by faithfully recording the questions and answers of the witness, no any other person present or assisting him coached the witness, strictly observing that not later than five days before pre-trial or preliminary conference. As to the compliance with the Efficient Use of Paper Rule, the researcher, based on the data collected, concludes that not all lawyers observed the rules which the Supreme Court laid down. Some of the lawyers know the rule but they opted to follow it since they have a readily available document and ready to edit its content before the Efficient Use of Paper Rule came out.
Abstract only
추천 인용
Adricula, D. D. (2019). The compliance of lawyers in the use of Judicial Affidavit and Efficient Use of Paper Rules as a tool in speedy disposition of cases (Unpublished postgraduate thesis). Central Philippine University, Jaro, Iloilo City.
College of Law정도
Juris Doctor선반 위치
Law Library 340.72 Ad84 2019
물리적 설명
vii, 53 leaves
- Juris Doctor [144]
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