Now showing items 31-40 of 108
A study of the school environment and certain dimensions of institutional functioning of the nine member colleges of the Association of the Christian Schools and Colleges
This study is an attempt to find out students' perception of the school environment of their respective colleges, as well as the teachers' perception of the functioning of their respective institutions regarding improvement ...
The development of an instrument for measuring organizational climate and its use in a study of the of the sugar milling industry in Western Visayas
Statement of the Problem. This study is an attempt to construct a valid instrument to measure organizational climate and to use it to describe the climate of one industry
The assumed determinants of Organizational Climate, ...
Turnover intention of technical staff in Guangdong Cable TV Network Co., LTD. (GDCATV)
This study focused on the turnover intention: people and enterprise. People are the technical staff; the enterprise is the GDCATV. Both are affected by the big environment and small background. The big environment is the ...
Factors associated with organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior of non-permanent faculty members in state universities and colleges in Iloilo: An analysis of a behavioral model
Many non-permanent faculty members in State Universities and Colleges have no security of tenure and can be separated from service anytime and yet they stay in their job for years. This study aimed to look at their level ...
Supervisor’s leadership style, personnel empowerment, engagement, work life balance, job satisfaction and intention to stay in the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Henan Province, China
The study aimed to analyze the role of leadership style on medical laboratory personnel’s empowerment, engagement, work life balance, job satisfaction, and intention to stay in the Center for Disease Control and Prevention ...
Development and evaluation of modules for senior high school physics teachers
The purpose of this study was to design, develop and evaluate instructional modules for Senior High School Physics teachers. ADDIE Model was used as the developmental design. This study included 34 Senior High School ...
Determinants of employment outcome of Central Philippine University graduates, 2001-2004
This descriptive-relational-predictive study utilizing a one-shot survey design was conducted to determine employability outcome of Central Philippine University graduates for the Academic Years 2001-2004. Four hundred out ...
The influence of work-related experiences on the nursing and teaching competencies of clinical instructors in nursing schools in Iloilo City
The study was conducted to determine the personal characteristics of clinical instructors assigned in handling nursing students in their Related Learning Experience (RLE) or clinical duty, their work- related experiences, ...
Teachers' debts and their correlates
The study aims to determine the correlates of debts of the 276 out of the 982 regular permanent teachers of the 68 public secondary schools in the Division of Aklan. In identifying the respondents, Exclusion Criteria was ...
An assessment of institutional functioning in ten schools, Iloilo City after a period of seventeen years
This descriptive research assessed institutional functioning in ten selected schools of higher learning in Iloilo City after a period of seventeen years (1973- 1990) in ten dimensions—democratic administration, autonomy ...