Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Seeds of Faith: Volume 6
(Central Philippine University, 2020)
Seeds of Faith is a collection of Christian devotionals written by Rev. Francis Neil G. Jalando-on.
Banished: Rediscovering Jesus in a fast, furious, and fantastic culture
(Centralogos Distribution and Publishing, 2021)
As the waves of 21st century reaches the shore of our existence, we must embrace the fact that they carry ideas that are more evolved and progressive.
As you open the pages of this book, it is best to have a silent pause ...
Thrive: Devotions to grow your faith
(Centralogos Distribution and Publishing, 2021)
Thrive is a collection of Christian devotionals written by Prof. Rea Angelica F. Villeza.
"THRIVE is a great devotional material which compels readers to reflect on God's Word, to assess their values and to cultivate ...
Leading the church beyond the pandemic
(Baptist World Alliance, 2021)
My primary purpose in this article is to discuss how the Church can respond to needs and engage meaningfully in the midst of this life-threatening pandemic that has swept the whole world. More precisely, my intention is ...
An exegetical analysis on the use of Tsitsit in prayer in Numbers 15:37-41
This study used exegetical method to analyze the use of tsitsit in prayer in Numbers 15:37-41, its origin, function, and meaning. Books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other on-line materials were used as relevant references. Results of the study revealed that the commandment of wearing the tsitsit was given by God through Moses while the Israelites were still in the wilderness, after they had gone out from Egypt and before they entered the Promised Land. This commandment was ordained for all generations. A blue thread or cord was specified to be placed on the borders or comers of their garments. The tsitsit (tassels or fringes) serves as a visual reminder to obey the commandments of the Lord. The color tekhelet (blue) was expensive because it came from a rare sea snail that must be harvested by hand and many snails were needed to produce a single drop of dye. In the course of time, garment fashion has changed and the Israelites developed a particular garment called tallit (prayer shawl) on which the tsitsit could be attached. is primarily used in their daily prayers, worship, and other religious ceremonies, and they wear a small tallit for their ordinary daily living. This garment never parts from the wearers until death that it is worn even during burial. Up to this day, Israelites wear the tsitsit attached to the tallit....
The implications of the non-traditional worship style to the liturgical flow of worship as practiced by the United Church of Christ in the Philippines
This descriptive study was conducted to describe the traditional liturgical flow of the UCCP and the non-traditional worship style that has been adopted by some UCCP local churches using content analysis as a tool. Results ...
The Sabbath rest in Hebrews 4:1-11 and its implications to the contemporary society
(Central Philippine University, 2022-01)
The keeping of the Sabbath is an essential component of the Decalogue. The Sabbath is God’s institution which he established in creation. It was formally given to the Israelites in the wilderness (Ex. 16:29) and was practiced ...