Now showing items 31-36 of 36
The 1988 PSS convention in retrospect
(Philippine Sociological Society, 1987-06)
The 1986 Convention of the Philippine Sociological Society (PSS) was held despite apprehensions that it would not push through. The most serious apprehension had to do with funds. The P40,000 earmarked by the Society for ...
Vector representation of multiplication and division of complex numbers
(National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1954-05)
One question raised by students in mathematics is how to represent multiplication and division of complex numbers by vectors in rectangular co-ordinates. The purpose of this brief paper is to present a simple explanation ...
Involution operated geometrically
(National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1955-04)
High school students of plane geometry may be interested in the central theme of this paper as a generalization of the usual problem of finding a line equal to the square of a given line.
Mathematical miscellanea: Two cube root curves
(National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1955-12)
It is a matter of common knowledge that it is impossible to duplicate a cube by means of the straightedge and compasses. There are, however, several methods which make use of algebraic curves. This presentation is intended ...
Squaring a circle
(National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1957-01)
It is impossible to construct a square equal to a given circle by the exclusive use of a straight edge and compass. This paper is intended to present a solution to this problem with a slight departure from the purely ...
Local governance vs. centralization: The case of pastors in the CPBC
(Institute of Advanced Theological Studies (IATS) and College of Theology, 2005)
This research endeavor seeks to determine preferences of CPBC pastors on local governance versus centralization.
Specifically, the objectives of this study are as follows:
1) To determine the profile of the pastors ...