Now showing items 1-3 of 3
The information-seeking behavior and levels of knowledge, precaution, and fear of college students in Iloilo, Philippines amidst the COVID-19 pandemic
(Elsevier, 2021-06-24)
COVID-19 pandemic is devastating the health, social, and economic well-being of citizens worldwide. The high rates of morbidity and mortality and the absence of vaccines cause fear among the people regardless of age, gender, ...
The information-seeking behavior of aquatic science librarians in response to a query
(Taylor & Francis, 2020-11-26)
When searching for information in response to a query, their own library’s online public access catalog (OPAC) and databases remain the most preferred resource for most aquatic science librarians. This preference does not ...
Burning grey: The worldwide influence of a locally published grey literature
(TextRelease, 2022)
Rice is a major staple crop in the Philippines, which produces a large amount of rice each year. On the other hand, rice production generates biomass waste in the form of rice husks. In consideration of the rice husks’ ...